Anxiety Treatment

Focused Awareness Counseling

Is Anxiety Running Your Life?!

Are you feeling stressed out or on edge?

Are there times you are fearful and become unable to continue your daily activities?

Do you lash out at others or have interpersonal relationships that cause distress?

Does it feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done or that time goes by so quickly that the day seems like a blur?

focused-awareness-counseling-anxiety-treatment Anxiety is a response to stress and effects everyone in different ways. If you are feeling anxious due to stress, it may affect your health and could include symptoms such as headaches, loss of sleep, and high blood pressure, leaving you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. Perhaps, you are experiencing panic attacks that include distressing physical symptoms such as shaking, racing heart, sweating, shortness of breath, and feeling out of control. Maybe your anxiety has affected important relationships because your thoughts and fears are interfering with being present and enjoying quality time with your loved ones.

Do you wish someone could help you understand why you are anxious and what you could do to find relief? With the right guidance and support, you can learn skills that will improve your daily functioning and reduce your anxiety.

Many People Struggle with Anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)*, in the United States, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health problem affecting around 18% of the population. Anxiety disorders are frequently connected with health issues, finances, and relationship problems. The risk factors that are common among people with anxiety disorders are genetic predisposition, brain chemistry, personality traits, and life events. Most people experience some anxiety as a normal part of life, for example, when giving a presentation at work or school. However, if you find yourself feeling stressed or on edge most of the time, find it hard to relax, get to or stay asleep, or just be happy, you may be struggling with severe anxiety.

If you are experiencing a more serious form of anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, you may notice feelings of fear, worry, unease, nervousness, or apprehension about situations or circumstances where the outcome is unknown. Generalized anxiety disorder is often linked to stress at work or school, unhealthy interpersonal relationships, financial problems, chronic medical illnesses, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Panic disorder is another form of severe anxiety that you may be struggling with. If you are suffering from panic attacks, you may notice that they occur unexpectedly and could be brought on by a triggering event. Panic attacks often reach their peak very rapidly and cause fatigue and exhaustion. Panic attacks commonly develop due to severe stress that may include the loss of employment, death of a close friend or family member, and divorce.

Fortunately, anxiety disorders are treatable. You can learn to manage your anxiety symptoms instead of the symptoms managing you. With the help of an empathic, compassionate, and knowledgeable counselor, you can learn skills and techniques leading to anxiety relief and create a happy and productive life.

Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Cope Better
focused-awareness-counseling-anxiety-treatment2 My approach to therapy consists of offering a supportive, warm environment that encourages openness and honesty. The client-therapist relationship is one of the most important aspects in your counseling sessions. Trust is the cornerstone of a good therapeutic alliance. The therapeutic alliance builds a strong foundation for you to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in sessions. You may experience a sense of relief from the very first session because your feelings were normalized and validated.

In the first session, I will get to know you and gather information about your unique history. By gathering the relevant factors regarding your history and current circumstances, I can provide you with the best possible counseling sessions. As I get to know you better, we will devise a treatment plan to meet your needs and reduce your anxiety symptoms. Anxiety treatment plan goals typically focus on teaching ways to reduce distress, learn life skills, and build relationships, not only with others but with yourself.

I have been working with clients struggling with severe anxiety throughout my career. I attend training to gain additional education in new methods of treatment; however, the methods I use most are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. Every session also includes some sort of somatic work that incorporates body, mind, spirit, and emotions into the healing process.

In the years I have been helping clients with anxiety, I have seen many reduce their anxiety symptoms. Clients have experienced changes in how they deal with anxiety, improved personal relationships, and their lives have changed for the better. I would be honored to work with you towards a better, happier life.

You May Have Concerns About Anxiety Treatment

Why should I go to therapy and talk to someone I don’t know about my problems?

focused-awareness-counseling-anxiety-treatment3 My priority is to help you feel comfortable in counseling sessions and safe in our professional relationship. The focus will remain on you and the issues you bring to the session. You are assured that what we discuss in sessions will remain confidential, with the exception of certain situations, for example, if you were considering self-harm. I encourage you to let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time.

I have been trained to be a compassionate listener. When we discuss situations or circumstances in sessions, I will ask questions that will help you consider various perspectives. Looking at situations with a broader viewpoint can help you see a variety of solutions to problems. In this way counseling sessions may introduce you to options you may not have considered.

If I go to therapy, will I open up old wounds?

I am a trauma-informed therapist, and I have training easing into issues. My deepest concern is your welfare. I will work to stabilize you and help you feel safe before delving into traumatic memories that may trigger anxiety. In addition, I will use therapeutic interventions and teach you coping skills to help you reduce your anxiety at emotional and physical levels.
Contact us today to start your healing journey.
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